What an RN should never ask of a CNA – Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles

The author points out how some nurses potentially abuse the power of delegation.  I agree it occurs, but it has never been my practice.  I have been a nurse for several years, but have worked as a home health aide AND as a CNA, well before that. Some nurses, perhaps, feel that they are above doing the “grunt work” that CNA do.  I have never understood this line of thought. And having worked as a CNA, while going to school to become an RN; I never will. I know the incredible value of a CNA.  I can show my respect by working with them as part of a team, not by treating them as a subordinate.

Source: What an RN should never ask of a CNA – Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles


Never delegate out of sheer personal convenience.


12 Things No One Will Tell You About Working Nightshift

Thank God there are people out there willing and able to work a night shift. I worked night shift for 6 months, and that was 6 months too long! 1. The cafete

Source: 12 Things No One Will Tell You About Working Nightshift


12. You will become best friends with the people you work with. The night shift crew is usually a very close knit group, because they know they can always count on each other. No one truly understands what it’s like to work a night shift more than another night shifter

Luckily, #12 is very true of my work family. They rock. They seriously rock.

4 Myths About Nurses | Huffington Post


Nursing is hard both physically and emotionally. Each year, tens of thousands of nurses suffer debilitating pain and often career-ending musculoskeletal injuries from manually lifting patients— an estimated 3,600 pounds per shift. Nurses rank fifth among all occupations for the highest rates of musculoskeletal injuries resulting in missed work days. Nurses also sustain approximately half of all accidental needle stick injuries. Other “on-the-job” hazards include exposure to disease and chemicals, workplace violence, bullying and fatigue.


4 Myths About Nursing

Ten Unmistakable Signs Of A Bad Place To Work

I talk to job-seekers every day. Some of them have target lists of companies they’d like to learn more about, and almost all of them have lists of companies they would never work for, no matter what. Where did they get their lists of companies they would never, ever work for? They either worked f

Source: Ten Unmistakable Signs Of A Bad Place To Work’

Author Note:  The one sign that stands out in my experience is:

Managers Control Internal Transfers

This dynamic is also part of a bigger picture, when it is paired with a manager that is comfortable, arbitrarily writing people up – so they are not eligible to transfer.  The option then becomes; either stay in the miserable circumstances or leave the company.

The Double-edged Sword of Nursing Slang

Source: 7 nursing slang terms I really wish would catch on – Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles

Nurses can be blunt creatures.  The nature of our assessments is centered on a “cut to the chase” approach.  Our jobs does include acknowledging the emotional aspects with our patients and families, but communication between other nurses distills patient information into the basics.  There are some patient issues that get blown out of proportion or are complicated by way too much drama.  There is also the fact that nurses have front row seats to some very graphic, intense moments that most people do not have to face. The average person is not, statistically likely to see death happen.  Once someone passes away, the body remains behind the scenes – from transport to a morgue or funeral home, all the way to a burial or cremation.  Those in the medical profession, from EMT/Paramedics to nurses and doctors, do not have the luxury of denial or any other number of emotional paths away from witnessing the, sometimes, very chaotic path of death.  This is the root of the “dark humor” that non-medical people can’t understand its use or purpose.

I think that some of the terms used by nurses are acceptable.  Terms like GBGB (pronounced Jee-bee/Jee-bee) to describe ‘gastric bypass gone bad’ are appropriately descriptive. However, some of the terms identified in this list are far from appropriate – and delve into the taboo – are counterproductive and offensive.  Dark humor has its purpose of helping us cope with euphemisms.  It should not be at anyone’s expense, or make light of violence or mock the grief of others for their loss.  It is a fine line, I suppose.  It becomes the choice of any person to use such terms.  The risks can be great, especially when they are used carelessly and end up being heard by those who are intimate with the target patient.

I may try to think of other terms to share here, but do not have any at the moment. Please feel free to share your thoughts – if so inspired to do so.

I Don’t Need To Respect Your Beliefs | Drifting Through My Open Mind


I Don’t Need To Respect Your Beliefs

All of this talk is treading on some sacred ground. Beliefs (especially the religious kind) are for most of us a taboo subject. We don’t discuss them, we don’t engage in debate about them. Just try to bring it up on FaceBook and watch the insults fly and the defriending begin. No, we prefer to leave others to their beliefs and quietly go about living our lives guided by our own.

Most of us, that is

I liked this article. It seems that the demand to “respect” beliefs of someone else is a euphemism for “convert.” There seems to be a large group of people who are tired of being “politically correct.” However, pointing out some harsh comments that someone makes – and suddenly – you are infringing upon their rights. Of course, the words they choose freely are frequently not ones that they’d use freely in the company of those they are belittling.

5 Things: Five Of My Favorite Albums

In no particular order:

1) Peter Gabriel’s So album.

2) R.E.M.’s Life’s Rich Pageant album

3) Suzanne Vega’s (self-titled) first album

4) Godspell Soundtrack (1971 Off-Broadway Cast)

5) The Damned’s Phantasmagoria album

Looking at these, I do see a pattern. Well, except for the Godspell album. The rest of the listed albums came out in 1985/1986.  I have owned these on cassette, as well as vinyl; and now CD.  I don’t have anything profound to share. At least, nothing that would mean anything to anyone else.  These albums resonate in my memory. They take me back to my early college years.  I was quite the raging idiot in those days.  Luckily, I have come a long way since that time.

AUTHOR SIDE NOTE: The play, GODSPELL, is religious.  It is based on the Book Of Matthew, which is the section of the Bible that has to do with the life of Christ. My appreciation for this album is based on the incredible music, meaningful lyrics, and clever presentation. For the record, my spiritual path took a different direction over time. I am not proselytizing, nor do I seek to be subjected to the process. I believe everyone is responsible for their own spiritual choices. For those seeking enlightenment, please consult your local priest/minister/Imam/Shaman/ Priestess/Wise woman/ etc.

Finding A Workplace That Does Not Suck Series Concept #2: Morale

Whether you work for a Mom-and-Pop business or a massive corporation, you will encounter and experience the effects of morale.  High morale can be momentum to get you through the down time at work, as well as provide mental anesthesia for the rough times. Little to no morale at a workplace can be stressful, and have one reading the Classified Ads in the break room at lunch time.

As I have mentioned, it can’t be artificially generated.  Corporate meetings and memos will not make it manifest itself in the workplace.  There are a few factors that can have a direct bearing on whether or not it exists.

I think the biggest factor is how realistic the work load is for each employee.  A worker must have the perception that they can get the daily tasks completed. Some slack should be given if the person is training  or is still orienting to the new role, of course.  However, we have all had coworkers who have an easily managed list of tasks that they can never seem to get done – even with generous amounts of sneaky delegation or avoidance of some jobs to others.  Other workers have the incredible ability to easily handling their own workload, then either look for more work to keep busy OR cover for others to avoid seeing anyone (or their department) in trouble.  The lazy workers are enabled, as they are not likely confronted.  Those actually working get frustrated or angered at working harder than they have, to cover the slackers. That is definitely a morale killer.  Add in the potential dynamic of a lazy coworker that everyone, including the manager, knows about but refused to confront – that is even worse for morale.  Morale can also suffer when the workload is impossible, but management either does not care or – worse yet – actively takes steps to take away resources which make the job even harder.  Water cooler talk ends up being gripe sessions. Venting about a tough day becomes complaining.  While one may bond with coworkers over a tough time, it makes it harder to carry around your own stress – as well as the stress of friends during such times.

The last thing that can kill morale is the unfair application of the rules. As we all know, the employee handbook is something that we likely sign-off on upon hire.  However, some may not know that it is a legally binding agreement.  Your employment is a contractual agreement with terms that have to be met by both parties.  For those companies that do not have handbooks or a Human Resource department, the employer is still bound by Federal laws around fair hiring and employment practices.  Unfortunately, working for a company that does not fairly apply rewards or consequences to all of its employees usually means having to leave to escape the problems.  Confronting the problem makes you vulnerable to potentially being singled out and targeted for arbitrary things to write you up.  Even if you legitimately have a grievance – especially one that breaks Federal law; pursuing it makes your relationship with your current employer adversarial.  You may or may not get justice, but going after an employer with litigation essentially ends your job.  Which, for those who are emotionally close to coworkers, means losing your “work family.”   Choosing whether to stay or to go can be very tough. However, my suggestion is that if one does decide to leave an employer; it should be done discretely and thoroughly.  Research to find out the requirements of how much notice to give, along with what the process is around leaving.  Give your two weeks (or whatever) notice on paper. Be polite. Be civil. Say nothing negative or bash your current situation.  Line up references. Move on. When it comes to the new employer, remember the phrase, “I am exploring new opportunities.” This comes in really handy when the new employer asks why you left, esp. if you have been at the rough job for a long time.

What I’m going to do with my MILLION Dollar book advances? | The Naughty Author

It’s Monday, so let’s play a fun game called ‘Imaginary Monday’. Today I shall imagine that I’m the next J.K. Rowling. I’m selling books like tasty little hotcakes and everyone is talking about me. And when I say everyone, I just did Ellen last night (she’s not as funny in real life btw) I’m doing […]
